Friday, April 6, 2012

Blogging A to Z Challenge

“Good Friday?”

Good Friday? I think for most of the people there it was the worst Friday ever.

Mary lost her son.

Judas had already killed himself as a result of his involvement in the capture and death of Jesus.

Peter had denied Jesus—three times!—the night before.

The disciples were losing their leader.

Pilate had washed his hands (literally!) of the whole thing, knowing that Jesus did not deserve to die.

Two thieves were also being crucified.

A multitude of people were mourning Jesus’ crucifixion.

And Jesus…Jesus had been betrayed, beaten, tortured, mocked, crucified, and felt His Father, his God, had forsaken Him.

On that day, the only person who would count it a “good” day would be the thief to whom Jesus promised, “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

Today we can call it Good Friday because we know the rest of the story. We know that the sadness of that Friday on earth, the sorrow turned to happiness on Sunday, when Jesus rose from the dead, means unending joy in paradise for all who believe in Him.

During the last few years, even the last few months, I have known many people who have died. Young and old, sick and healthy, expected and unexpected deaths…for their loved ones and family members, these deaths marked a very bad day.

But again, we know the rest of the story, and along with mourning the “bad” day, we have that hope, that knowledge, of the rest of the story. We know that because Jesus endured that terrible, terrible day, our sorrow at the death of a loved one will one day, on the most joyous day, the “good” day of all “good” days, we will be reunited with our loved ones in heaven.

We can call “Good” Friday good, knowing that in just a few short days we will again celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Because He endured that “bad” day, we believers will have the joy of spending eternity with Him in heaven.

Happy Good Friday.

Thank You, Lord, for the rest of the story.

Jump over to my other blog, Home is Where the Mom Is , where it’s FREEBIE FRIDAY! Leave a comment and you’ll be entered to win one of three autographed copies of Home is Where the Mom Is; A Christian Mom’s Guide to Caring for Herself, Her Family, and Her Home. 

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