Monday, November 1, 2010

November Editor's Letter

Giving Thanks

Give thanks, with a grateful heart,
Give thanks, to the Holy One,
Give thanks, because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son…
And now, let the weak say “I am strong”,
Let the poor say “I am rich,” because of what the Lord has done for us,
Give thanks.

This is one of my favorite “thanksgiving” songs. I definitely have a grateful heart this month, first of all because God did give Jesus Christ, His Son, for me and for all believers.

I am also thankful to God for my family and the wonderful times we have together with each other, and with our friends. Cody’s steer, Otter, was the Grand Champion at the AK-SAR-BEN cattle show last month! It was a great way for Cody to end his years showing at AK-SAR-BEN (he will be too old next year). Cody’s good friend Nathan had the Champion Market Hog; we got a unique and fun picture of Cody and Nathan with their champion animals. No one was quite sure if the calf and pig would get along, but they behaved just fine, as you can see from the picture.

Morgan’s heifer Sadie was the Reserve Champion Chianina heifer at AKSARBEN, and Morgan was in the showmanship finals as well. It was a very good show for us and for many of our friends.

Morgan is keeping very busy with school activities; she recently joined the speech team. I am thankful that I’ve already learned about Avogadro’s Number and figuring out the atomic mass of a compound (I might have learned it, but I can’t say I remember it, although Morgan tried to explain it to me…).

Tim is thankful for the nice weather we’ve had recently. We are getting ready for the annual cattle sale in November (“we” as in Tim does all the hard work and I take phone messages when necessary!).

I’m thankful that I love my work—my work as a nurse as well as my work as the Editor and Publisher of the Nebraska Family Times,

By this time last year, we’d already had a snow storm! Remember how long and cold the winter was? I’m thankful that I can already say that ”This winter is shorter than last winter.”

I’m thankful for everyone who reads the Nebraska Family Times, especially when they take the time to tell me when they’ve enjoyed an article, and even when they have a suggestion for something I could do differently. Thanks also for spreading the word about the paper; it’s my prayer that it will get into the hands of everyone who needs encouragement, inspiration, and motivation on their Christian walk (don’t we all?).

Thank you to the Nebraska Family Times advertisers and sponsors, as well! Without you the paper could not be published. I enjoy delivering the paper every month and meeting the people who work in the businesses that sponsor and support the paper.

I hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving edition of the Nebraska Family Times! Thanks to everyone who sent in their contribution for “Keeping Christ in Christmas.” You will see some of their ideas in the Play Room section of the paper. More ideas will appear in the December issue of the paper; please send your input to

I know that while I might not be rich by the standards of the world, I am definitely rich in what the Lord has done for me and for my family. I pray that the Lord will bless you richly, as well.