When I belonged to a MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group years ago, one of our mentors said, “The days with your children may seem long…but the years will seem short.” Those were very wise words, and I pass them on to every mother of young children.
Most of May was filled with preparing for Cody’s graduation party and the graduation itself. We were blessed with good weather and the presence of many friends and family members to celebrate with us.
School is out now and Cody and Morgan are getting ready for summer cattle shows. I’m sure the summer will go fast! It’s my favorite season of the year—I even like the heat.
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers! I am blessed to have a father who always encourages and supports me in whatever I want to do, and he’s always quick to encourage my family in their endeavors, as well. And he always, always can make me laugh, no matter what kind of mood I’m in. THANKS, dad!
I’m also blessed to have a husband who is a wonderful father. He never hesitates to spend time with and help Cody and Morgan, no matter how tired he is or how long his to-do list is. Tim is a huge factor in the happy, productive children Cody and Morgan are. THANKS, Tim!
In the paper you’ll find an article about parable of The Prodigal Son, but with the focus on the father, rather than the son. You’ll see how the father’s actions are like our heavenly Father’s actions as well.
As I was shopping for graduation gifts, I found a book called College 101; Campus Life for Christians. I highly recommend it as a gift; you’ll find a review of the book in the Playroom pages of this issue of the Nebraska Family Times.
I’ve also included a reader survey in the paper. Please fill it out to let me know how I’m doing as editor, and what you’d like to continue to see, see more of, or maybe see less of, in the paper. My prayer is to produce a paper that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you in your Christian walk, and I need your help and suggestions to do that.
I hope you enjoy this issue of the Nebraska Family Times! May God bless you this summer!