Saturday, March 28, 2009

Looking Back . . . and Looking Ahead

Looking Back . . . and Looking Ahead

The April issue marks the 7th issue of the paper that will come out after I took over! I’ve had so much help from other people during these months—THANK YOU ALL for your encouragement, for answering my questions, and for your patience when I didn’t know quite how things were done.

Editing and publishing a newspaper was a completely new experience for me! I won’t say I’m an “old pro” quite yet, but I feel much, much more comfortable with the process after doing it for several months.

I’ve learned so much, made new friends, and pray that I’ve made a positive difference in the lives of everyone who reads the paper.

I’m looking forward to the future! I am continually working to improve the paper with new articles, sponsors, advertisers, columnists, and so on. My ultimate goal is always to bring Christian news, information, and encouragement to readers.

I think there are many, many people who will benefit from the Nebraska Family Times—we just have to figure how to let them know that this positive media source is available. I know there are many opportunites, and Marcie has already alerted me to several of them.

Thanks to everyone who has spread the good word about Nebraska Family Times! If you are interested sharing the Nebraska Family Times, see the next post.

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