The April issue of the Nebraska Family Times has been printed, delivered, and mailed!
It is always neat to see the paper in “real life”—by the time it comes out in print I’ve read and re-read every article and I’ve seen the paper in “newspaper form” on the file Jennifer e-mails me. However, the color accents in the paper show up as blue on the computer screen, no matter what color they are on the actual paper. And there’s just something about holding the paper in my hands that makes it real (I don’t think I’ll ever get a Nook or other electronic reader!).
I think this issue looks great! Jennifer chose a very striking graphic for the front page, as you can see from the picture.
The April Nebraska Family Times features an article about the Columbus chapter of the Habitat for Humanity, which is planning to build a home in Columbus starting in May. The paper also contains articles titled, History of the King James Bible, Boys Wrestling Girls—A Clash of Worlds and Worldviews, and School Becomes Curse-Free. Local Christian writer and speaker Deb Burma is also featured.
You can pick up your issue of the Nebraska Family Times at various locations around Columbus. If you would like to receive a FREE issue of the paper, e-mail me at or call (402) 993-2467.